
28/6 Day 9: Sali – Kakan

32,6 NM – very quiet sailing through Kornati islands with light SE wind. Just before arriving to U. Potkucina on Kakan we did MOB training. Long, but very calm day full of sun and nice views.


29/6 Day 10: Kakan – Tribunj

13,8 NM – Weather is changing, sirocco from SE increasing since the morning. We spent some hours swimming and taking sun and around 11 left the anchorage under sail. We started with 3rd reef on main sail and 40% of genoa, as wind reached 20 knots. We were aware of coming gale, so we just tried sailing on wind from all directions around island Tijat and around 13 arrived in front of Tribunj with 16 kt on our back. We had to start the engine and take down the sail. However, the engine didn’t start.

We stayed calm and anchored under the sail in front of Tribunj. We called the EmergenSea service, where we have subscription for these cases. They arrived in half an hour, and together with second marina’s dinghy towed us into the marina.

We opened the engine and investigated where is the source of problem. And we found it very soon – problem was caused by the only one piece that was not replaced: a starter rele.

Gale came over us during the night, brought clouds and lot of rain. Mechanic arrived in the morning and installed new rele. Another problem was solved and we can continue on our way.

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