nauticat 33


Sailing with a bunch of crazy Czech people on an Italian hippie-boat is quite an experience. ”Interesting”, as Julius Ceasar would say. Being the only non-Czech crew member on board, I was not so sure what to expect from this trip. It seemed a little contradictory: Czech and Sailing. On which sea did they learn

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7/8 July – The World Heritage-listed Meteora is an extraordinary place and one of the most visited in all of Greece. The massive pinnacles of smooth rock are ancient and yet could be the setting for a futuristic science-finction tale. The monasteries atop them add to the strange and beautiful landscape. Each monastery is built

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6/7 July – The Zagorohoria’s 46 traditional stone-and-slate villages, tucked into the Pindos range, offer atmospheric accomodation, crisp alpine air, sublime views.  Once connected only by mountain paths and stone bridges, they’re now connected by paved roads, some of which enjoy spectacular twists and turns. And turtles. We book Arktouros Hotel in Monodendri, around 38 km north

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5/6 luglio – Inizia il tour nel continente con la visita a Ioannina, la migliore città dell’Epiro per bere e mangiare, una grande varietà di storia e la bellezza è tranquillità del lungo lago. All’arrivo si vede una imponente fortezza da cui spuntano i minareti e archi bizantini, il tutto contorno da montagne. Ioannina, fondata dall’imperatore

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17 – 19 giugno Prosegue il blackout internet. La navigazione procede a motore ma in buona parte con l’aiuto delle vele. Vento NW 6/12 nodi , mare 3. Alle 8 di mattina siamo davanti il golfo di Valona e ci dirigiamo al molo secondario dove sono ormeggiate alcune barche turistiche. Subito diverse persone si danno

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