After a speedy sail from Skaithos to a beautiful bay on Skopelos the captain gave us a day off from scrubbing the decks and driving us so hard. ‘You deserve it,’ he said to the elated crew. Full of adventure we all caught a bus to the capital of Skopelos, which is also Skopelos where we were told a castle awaited our exploration.
We found a delightful church on the water’s edge and climbed some stairs for a closer look.
A local dog took us under his wing and escorted us up the stairs, looking back occasionally as if to hurry us along. He herded us up to a small cafe and we asked the lady there to take a group photo. She asked if we would like to stay for a drink as well.
We ended up having lunch with a panoramic view of the sea – looking at its best. We were in good company. Apparently, Meryl Streep and Pearce Bronson called in on most afternoons during the filming of ‘Mamma Mia’ and the owner delighted in showing us the pictures that were taken with them.
Nourished from the local fare of Dacos and Greek Salads, (and the crew’s daily hit of caffeine), we trudged onwards and upwards to view the castle.
Technically, it is doubtful that it could be classified as a ‘castle’ persé.
It was more like ONE wall of a castle. Taking the appropriate number of photographs, the crew meandered through the classical Greek island avenues amongst the houses until the next bus came.
The journey to the other end of the island had the crew looking at a new and spectacular bay around each corner. The bus ride was quite crowded but hasty seating by the crew guaranteed a position at the front with a great view. We wandered around the village of Glossa enjoying the views at the end of the island before returning to the Good Ship Lotos. The site of the filming of ‘Mamma Mia’ was very close by; the beach and the church.